Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Part 3-4
“Obedience is central to becoming, being, and remaining happy.”
David A. Bednar

This statement is saying that obedience is the key to being happy in life, at the beginning you have to become obedience, after you are trained to being obedience all the time then you can say you are being obedience, once that is complete your life is to remain happy. 
Part 2-4

For my 100+ goals, I feel like I am doing good because I read them and I think that I can do better, when I wrote my goals I can imagine me doing them, I know that I can be someone in this world. I have a long term goals which means I can’t complete them until I get older in my life, for example when I am an adult. I have a variety of water polo goals and in the summer I won’t practice but next school year
Part 1-4
1.      What I liked best about this class is the free times we had. Getting the experience to sit with my best friend, who in the beginning I had no idea that she was going to be the girl that I have a bunch of things in common with.
2.     What I disliked about this class is when the teacher would talk too much, or when he moved my seat, before I sat on computer #28, which I said I sat with my friend, then he moved me to computer #2 which at first I didn’t like, but I like now. Not as much as my old seat but it gave me an experience to socialize without my own kind. The music he would play, it makes me want to go to sleep.
3.     What I recommend to improve this class is play better music, something that is in. for example like 97.1 station, something that everyone listens to, that way we can enjoy the music that is playing, most likely people will be singing. Some people could discover a talent that they never knew they had.

4.     What I will always remember about this class is the CTR (CHOOSING THE RIGHT) that quote and phrase I will always remember, I will also remember all the times we shared, as in the memories. Most of them were pretty funny. That time my computer fell. I was picking it up and you told me to be more careful. Ha that was very funny.